We recently had an amazing opportunity to open our lives to the universe by opening our home to visiting Tibetan Buddhist Monks.
As I mentioned in my previous blog entry, I would love to share some of the photographs I had the chance to take during their visit.
The first night of the monks' visit, one of our neighbors arranged for a Kiowa Medicine Man to offer a blessing to each of the monks. The monks responded with blessings of their own for those gathered. Following the blessings, we all enjoyed a pot-luck dinner and plenty of laughter.
The Opening Ceremony was the start to the four day process of the meticulous work on the Sand Mandala of Wisdom. I can still hear the amazing tones of the monks' multiphonic chanting and their mesmorizing and unusual sounding instruments.
Watching the monks working on the sand mandala progress was a brilliant lesson in patience and mindfulness.
The monks shared their prayer and meditation with us during their performance of Lama Chopa Puga.
We each enjoyed the monks staying with us and blessing us with their kindness and gentleness.
The Closing Ceremony for the Sand Mandala of Wisdom included the sweeping of the sands of the completed mandala into the center of the table. This is to represent the impermanance of life. Each person in attendance was given a small bag of the sand as a personal blessing.
The monks then carried the remaining sand to the river where they released it into the water to bless the environment. Actually, it was so windy when the sand was released that most of the sand blew back toward the audience, blessing each one standing there in addition to blessing the environment.
Thank you for allowing me to share these images with you. What a wonderful celebration of life, love, peace and joy these monks bring with them. If you ever have a chance to see them, I so encourage you to do so. If you do, your life will probably never be the same again. I know our lives have changed... and for the better.... for opening our hearts up to the universe.