It is official. My life has been way-laid for the past several
weeks. I have heard myself describing life’s current pace as
“scrambling” and “being sucked into a vortex”. Wow. How does that happen?
During these churning times I find it much more difficult to discern what truly is important and what really doesn’t matter. It seems the lack of mindfully choosing what I include and what I exclude in my life is a large part of what continues to fuel the chaos. The thought of trying to find time for my photography or anything else creative seems all but impossible. When I can finally STOP, my life and my priorities come back into focus noticeably more clearly.
This blurring of priorities reminds me of the experience of watching the world zizz by while traveling on a fast moving train. Who is driving this train, anyway? Sometimes I think I am. At other times, it is as if no one is at the controls. No wonder my life sometimes feels like a run away train with me not seeming to be able to find the brake.
I do believe the choices I make TODAY help to adjust the pace of my life. Some days the choices are pretty clear and more strucured. Other days, it seems like the wisest thing to do is to just fasten my seatbelt and hang on for the ride.
Today I am in Santa Fe. It feels as if the train has pulled into the station and stopped for refueling. This seems like a good day to make some conscious decisions about what I will choose to do today. Because I am still taking at least one photograph each day and I do still recognize the opportunities of everyday creativity, Creativity has not left my life completely. I do, however. feel that I have neglected my dear friend. Hello, Creativity. Would you care to join me for a cup of tea?
- Today I will STOP and look around and notice what my senses are offering me.
- Today I will BREATHE. I will do some Tai Chi Breathing (Chi Kung). My mother introduced me to this and she is right. It it is wonderful stuff.
- Today I will YAWN. I may take a nap or I may simply read something light and fun for a little while.
- Today I will read more of Marney Makridakis’s book, Creating Time: Using Creativity to Reinvent the Clock and Reclaim Your Life. She offers an amazing perspective of time and its passing.
- Today I will SIT and ENJOY a cup of naturally decaffeinated Earl Grey tea.
- Today I will GO for a WALK with my husband, our dogs and my new camera.
- Today I will LISTEN to MUSIC. I think I will start with Chopin's Nocturnes.
- Today I will WALK more SLOWLY.
- Today I will ALLOW myself chances to truly LOOK and SEE what brings joy to my heart.
- Today I will EMBRACE my life with GRATITUDE.
Do you know what? I feel better already.
What helps you slow down and re-set your life’s pace?
What are your tools for deciding what is important and what just doesn’t matter?